Saturday, October 1st, 2011
- Start with approximately 225 pounds of prime Dalvahni male, extremely fresh.*
- Add four to five gallons of uh uh uh.
- Throw in several quarts of pure, undiluted yummy. **
- Add a bushel each of unsurpassed fighting skills and tracking ability.
- Combine with insatiable lust and zest of virility.
- Stir in a large dollop of stoicism and dispassion.
- Toss in a generous amount of loyalty and a couple of heaping tablespoons of denial.
- Omit the sense of humor, but be sure and sprinkle in a pound of literalism.
- Blend with true love.
- Fold ingredients lightly together. Stir vigorously for best results. Best served hot.
*Note: Dalvahni males are large in size (in excess of six feet in height), lean and muscular animals. Do not substitute generic or ordinary human males or recipe will not rise.
** Do not substitute imitation flavoring.
*** Warning: Demon hunters are habit forming and slippery when wet.